Wednesday, June 20, 2007
okay, our BM teacher came in class today and ask us to take out our komsas book, so we did, and guess what, our teacher made us do ejaan first
so we were like wtf? why ejaan on a komsas class, oh well, guess what it turned out like screwed wei xD
the first word, when teacher pronounced it everyone was stonning, asking her to repeat, so she did it a few times and it was dam funny cuz nobody heard it correctly.. haha..
and when she gave us the answers we were like o.O wtf ><
1. Ghalib - Berjaya
2. Eskapisme - Melarikan diri dari kenyataan (something like that xD)
3. Esprit De Corps (lol wtf :P) - Semangat setia kawan
4. Estalika - Falsafah/Kajian tentang konsep keindahan ataupun citarasa
5. Dirgahayu - Lanjutkan/Panjangkan usia
6. Kinayah - Contoh/Pengertian yang sembunyi
she told us that some of these are from bahasa arab, but wth? Esprit De Corps? ><
oh, and mommy bought me cream puff! :D so yeah, i'm gonna go for dinner now and then enjoy my cream puffffff =) don't get jealous yo people! x)
i still remember when you told me,
"Your every line, your every word, You're my everything.."
that meant a lot to me, and my heart instantly melted,
and until now, i'll never forget those sweet words,
and i'll never stop smiling.. :)
gahh, i miss old days ><
*//you make me rise when i fall..\\*5:00 AM
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